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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  August 26, 2010 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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>> bret: whoo. the wife knows everything. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced, and unafraid. >> why do you have to go and make things so complicated. >> from idol contestants to accused terrorists. details on the terror suspect busted north of the border. >> search warrants have been executed. investigation is ongoing. >> years after hurricane katrina, recovery remains a work in progress. it's about the future. all about the future. >> a lot of folks relying on tourism to help their communities come back. >> biloxi, mississippi was one of many communities ravaged by katrina. after fires years of defiance
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and determines, biloxi is back. >> tonight, jonathan hunt on the progress five years after the storm. plus, a million-dollar yacht slams into the sand. >> i said you have got to turn. well, he didn't turn. >> where is the owner? and to catch a thief. how a family's vacation photo helped nab the guy stealing their stuff. >> i'm jon scott in for shepard smith. cops call it another case of homegrown terror. three canadian citizens charged with plotting bombings in their own country and trying to fund attacks on american and canadian troops in afghanistan. another suspect, a former contestant on canada's version of "american idol." take a look. ♪ i like you the way you are ♪ when we're driving in your car >> jon: besides showing off his dance moves he told judges he was from pakistan. all three suspects are canadian citizens.
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two living in the capital ottawa. who are how some of the neighbors are reacting to the arrest. >> i have no idea why someone would be arrested for terrorism charges here. never heard of anything like that here. >> everyone around is so nice. i haven't had any problems with none of my neighbors or anything. >> i live in the capital of canada. you know, there is the buildings, the american embassy, there are heaven knows how many possible targets around here, so i don't find it at all surprising that people are plotting bad things around. >> ottawa just 50 miles north of the u.s. border. for now cops not revealing what the potential targets were. catherine herridge live in our d.c. newsroom for us. catherine, investigators say the suspect had the makings of pretty dangerous weapons, huh? >> thank you, jon. based on evidence gathered in this year long investigation, canadian officials saying today the suspects had drawings, videos, instructions, books and components for impro-advised explosive devices also known as
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ied's. >> amongst other things, investigators have seized more than 50 electronic circuit boards designed to remotely detonate the ied's. >> it was adding today that one of the suspects had training to make ied's overseas, jon. >> jon: then there is the afghanistan connection. >> what we learned at that news conference is that there were two components to this conspiracy. one ied's in canada to launch plots there. the second to raise money and get to to afghanistan so extremists there could buy weapons and launch attacks against u.s. forces and other coalition forces in afghanistan. and one of the reasons the canadian government officials pulled the trigger on these arrests is that they were allegedly getting ready to send some of that money overseas, jon. >> jon: any u.s. involvement here. >> the state department told fox today that the u.s. has not been asked for assistance in this case. but it clearly has an international dimension. we were told at that news conference that there were other
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conspirator s in the case from iran, dubai and pakistan as well, jon. >> jon: catherine herridge in d.c. thank you. developing now arizona's controversial immigration law is headed back to court. the news comes from the offices of arizona governor jan brewer. we told the governor plans to file paperwork any minute now challenging a judge's ruling on the state's new law targeting illegal immigrants. governor brewer signed the law earlier this year. before it went into effect, a federal judge banned the state from enforcing many parts that got the most criticism. for example, the section requiring police to question people will b. immigration status if the officer thought the person was in the country illegally. anita vogel has more from our west coast newsroom. >> it ruling comes as no surprise as governor brewer said all along she would be challenging this and appealing it to the ninth circuit of appeals. she wants the entire law to go into effect. essentially her office is saying to call sb 1070 unconstitutional
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was premature and speculative because the law never went into effect. governor brewer saying quote the governor's decision applied the wrong legal standard and ignored key provisions of federal law that empowered states to enforce immigration laws. i did speak with the governor's general counsel earlier this evening. he told me they will be filing that brief later this evening. >> jon: any idea when we should expect a decision from the court? >> well, the governor has can asked for expedited schedule here. her brief was due today. the federal government's response must be made within the ninth circuit by september 23rd. the case is set to be taken up by the ninth circuit of appeals the first week of november. legal experts tell me given the massive publicity surrounding this case all of the protests, and the political implications, they expect that the court will make a quick decision on this, probably sometime in november. jon? >> jon: anita vogel. thanks. there is new word today terrorists in pakistan may try
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to target u.s. forces who are there to help with flood relief. a spokesman for the pakistan taliban claims countries that have pledged support have ulterior whoives and he says the presence of aid workers is not acceptable. the worst floods in that country's history have effected some 20 million people. u.s. military forces are among those helping to delivery leaf supplies in pakistan and try to rescue stranded victims. tonight, washington is responding to the taliban's threats. mike emanuel with the news live at the pentagon. what's the word there, mike? >> jon, violence would only complicate relief efforts of this massive humanitarian disaster. the taliban has issued the threat to those who are trying to help. the state department spokesman p.j. crowley says there is a legitimate cause for concern. >> we're in possession of threat information. we are dealing -- we are talking to and working with the government of pakistan to do everything we can to make sure that our disaster response and
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pakistan's disaster response, you know, can continue in light of this threat. >> you mentioned the u.s. military role. the u.s. military has delivered 1.8 million pounds of relief supplies to pakistan and has rescued more than 6900 flood victims, jon. >> jon: how much of the concern here has to deal doo with the killings of those christian aide workers earlier this month. >> jon, several u.s. government officials i have spoken with made specific reference to that attack, killing 10 aide workers, christian aid workers who were trying to bring medical care to people in remote afghan villages. the feeling is if they were brutal enough to do that to those people, it could cross the border and could happen to those trying to help people with this massive natural disaster. jon. >> jon: mike emanuel at the pentagon. thank you, mike. the dow jones industrial average is back below the 10,000 mark for the first time in seven weeks. it comes as investigators brace
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investors brace for a report tomorrow economic growth this spring was not as strong as previously thought. at the closing bell stocks were at their lowest level since early july. the dow off 74 points. nasdaq down 23. s&p 500 down 8. it didn't start out that wait a minute initially stocks rose news that fewer folks filed for unemployment benefits. number for first time claims for benefits dropped to 31,000 last week to a total of 473,000. there also was a notable report today detailing the problems in the housing market. we'll have more on that later this hour. first, five years ago today the governor of louisiana declared a state of emergency and activated the national guard. hurricane katrina was on the way. we all remember what happened next. hundreds died and so many who survived lost everything. tonight, a look at how some of those survivors are doing five years later. and a mystery at another spot along the gulf coast.
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who abandoned a million-dollar yacht with the engine still running? from the journalists of fox news, this is "the fox report." waking up with morning pain drain the energy right out of you. fight it with (new) bayer am. it combines extra strength bayer aspirin to treat pain plus an alertness aid to help you get off to a running start. try bayer am - the morning pain reliever.
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>> jon: five years ago today the worst has not yet arrived. hurricane katrina had already passed over florida but the storm was still gaining strength in the gulf ahead of a terrible collision with the louisiana and mississippi coast. within days hundreds of people would die. bodies and garbage would litter the street. children would search in vain for their parents and hope would be in short supply as a entire city ground and millions cried helpless tears of sadness and rage. today louisiana senator mary landrieu reminded folks of how much devastation the storm caused. >> the floodwaters, storm surge and winds shuttered 875 schools. destroyed 215,000 homes, 18,700 businesses.
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and 217 square miles of coastal wet lands was lost. >> jon: tonight, the stark nightmare of those days has faded a bit. some communities have made tremendous progress towards recovery and many people have returned and somehow managed to rebuild. "the fox report's" chief correspondent jonathan hunt with the news live in biloxi, mississippi. jonathan? >> jon, to see this city now reborn and rebuilt is really quite remarkable. when you consider just how badly ravaged it was by katrina's fury. the storm was so large and powerful when it came ashore here that 90% of the buildings along biloxi's beach boulevard were set to be destroyed. >> it looked like a match stick village that a child had just thrown a temper tantrum. >> how bad was it? >> it looked like everything was gone. we all thought our jobs were
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gone. tourism was gone. the hotels were gone. the casinos were gone. restaurantsy gone. >> almost everything was gone. but by the summer of 2006, just one year after katrina hit, and with a mere 3,000 hotel rooms, compared to the prekatrina 16,000, biloxi was back. records were being grown. with the little product that we had as far as rooms and casinos, records were being broken. people wanted to be here. they wanted to be part of our economic recovery. as casinos hoped, hotels opened people were there to put heads in beds and play in the casino. >> because it may have broken buildings it never broke the spirit of the people of biloxi. >> katrina was a terrible crisis and terrible arm in disaster but also a tremendous opportunity. that's the way people of mississippi viewed it. >> in what sense was it an opportunity? >> to make it better than ever. >> biloxi is now back up to
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13,000 hotel rooms. it has new casinos, new restaurants, and, of course, its spectacular beach. five years on, this city is looking forward, not back. >> there is way more positive in my memories in the aftermath than bad. >> it's about the future now. >> it's about the future. definitely about the future. >> >> biloxi has had bad years since the katrina. recession hurt the summers of 2008 and 2009. then business began to boom again early this year only for the bp oil spill to ruin everyone's summer plans. the feeling is that not only biloxi survived but thrived since katrina and will continue to do so whatever disaster, man made or mother nature made is visited upon it jon?
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>> jon: jonathan hunt, thank you. a special tour of the lower ninth ward coming up inside fox report. plus, for a look how katrina developed before it hit land head on over to click on the fox spotlight section in the upper right. you will find eyewitness accounts from those who survived the storm. new details on a million-dollar yacht that ran ashore with nobody on board. this 50-foot yacht went straight into a florida beach with the engine running. we are told it was not holding a single passenger. now a guy in mexico who claims he is the owner says he reported the vessel stolen from a marina in cancun days ago. cancun is about 500 miles away from the spot where the boat crashed. reddington beach, florida near saint petersburg. the man who claims to be the owner of the stolen both told the associated press my first concern was what they were going to do with the boat, if they were going to traffic drugs or something. investigators say there were no signs of violence on that boat.
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as the family members took a picture, the thief took their stuff. fox report's on a caught on camera caper with a fortunate twist. plus, police say someone pulled the pin and threw a grenade into a crowded beach resort bar. new details on what happened and why. and news from plant blago. we know when former illinois governor rod blagojevich will face justice again. and whether anyone will sit at the defense table with him. that's next. thanks to t venture card from capital one, we gedouble miles on every purchase. so wearned an l.a. getaway twice as fast. we get double miles every time we use oucard. no matter at we're buying. and since double miles add up quick... romans! get em! [ garth ] ...we can bring the whole gang. [ sheep bleats ] it's hard to beat double miles. whoa -- he's on the list. but we're with him. [ male announcer introducing the venture card from capital one with double miles on everyurchase every day. go to [ indistinct shouting ]
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>> jon: it will be a bleeping golden new year on planet blago. a federal judge saying the exillinois governor's retry on corruption charges will start the week of january 4th. last week a jury convicted our
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blago of lying to the feds but it deadlocked on the other 23 charges, including trying to sell or trade president obama's former senate seat. one juror says it was a close call for our blago. the vote on that count 11-1 guilty. prosecutors say they plan to put on a similar case the next time around, which means we'll get to relive some of our favorite moments like these. >>
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>> jon: and our blago will be going it alone this time. today the feds dropping the charges against his brother, robert blagojevich. mike tobin live on planet blago in chicago. any reaction from our blago tonight? >> well, jon, remember how blago said there was no way he would miss his chance to testify in his trial? well, this time around, his team says there is no way he is going to cop a plea. >> i have never discussed a possible plea with the governor. i never have. we never have discussed that. >> and you do not intend to. >> i will discuss anything but i'm just telling you up to this moment nothing has been discussed. >> now the government is hitting blagojevich with each of the remaining 23 counts on his indictment. his legal team of eight lawyers is going to be paired down to two. that's because now that blagojevich is broken, the public is funding his defense, the judge says he only gets two lawyers on the payroll, any more
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will have to work for free, jon. >> and his brother gets off and blago doesn't even call him? >> not even a phone call to his big brother robert blagojevich says he has always been an after thought. robert was in a good mood that's because he got that call today from the attorney telling him the government is not going to bring any additional charges against him. he was free to go back home to tennessee. >> jon: mike tobin live in tennessee. thank you. an attack at a popular beach resort in mexico injuring 15 people. somebody threw a grenade into a crowded bar in puerta vallarta last night. four of the injured people lost limbs in the attack. we're told it's not known whether tourists frequented that bar nor is there any word on the motive for the attack. tens of thousands of people have died in escalating drug violence in 2006. attacks on tourists have been very rare. a new twist in u.s. efforts to clean up corruption in
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afghanistan. turns out one of president karzai's top aids who is in the middle of an investigation is also working for the cia we're live in kabul. investigators say they may have found the source of the salmonella outbreak that led to the recall of half a billion eggs. plus a new recall of more than a million cars to tell you about coming up on "the fox report." ud sals event through august 31st. like, keep one of these over your head. well, i wasn't "supposed" to need flood insurance,
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but i have it. fred over here chose not to have it. ♪ me, i've got a plan. fred he uh... fred what is your plan? do i look like i have a plan? not really. [ female announcer ] only flood insurance covers floods. for a free brochure, call the number on your screen.
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>> jon: a family portrait becomes a key piece of evidence in a crime and proves that sometimes time something everything. here's the photo. the dad says he set the camera on a timer and posed with his wife and kids outside the wisconsin state capital. what he didn't know at the time is that someone was stealing his stuff right behind his back. when he realized what happened, he thought to check his camera and there it was. he showed police the pick, minutes later they made an arrest. >> as soon as i saw him, i recognized the description. saw the bag slung around his shoulder. i called him right over to me. >> jon: well, police say the suspect still had the family's bag when they arrested him. he has pleaded not guilty, to misdemeanor theft. news bites now and if you use an iphone and like netflix you no longer have to wait for red envelopes to arrive. launching app. for iphone allowing subscribers to on their phones similar to ipad.
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maker of the blackberry working to keep india from banning its smart phones. research in motion reports it's offered to lead industry forum on government seeking access to encrypted email services. bans in countries including saudi arabia and united arab elm rites. i'm jon scott in for shepard smith. this is the fox report. it's the bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news. fox news has learned that a top aid to afghan president harmid karzai is on the payroll of the cia and has been for several years. at this time it's still unclear whether the agency was paying him for information or to push an agenda or what according to our sources payments like this are not unusual. after all war is a messy business in places like afghanistan the reality is that sometimes the u.s. pays people for information it needs for its own security. jennifer griffin streaming lye in kabul, afghanistan. she has the latest. jennifer? >> federal officials have, in
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fact, confirmed to us that a top aid to president karzai was, in fact, on the u.s. payroll. he was serving as the chief administrator of president karzai's national security council at the time when he was arrested. he was arrested for taking a bribe. he was arrested in july by anti-eruption corruption task force. that created a huge backlash. u.s. senator john kerry flew out to kabul to chastise president karzai and warn him that such interfeigns in anti-eruption could stall u.s. aid. now it turns out that it is the u.s. that has egg on its face because karzai's aid accused of taking prescribes was in fact a u.s. asset the as one u.s. official puts it if you try afghanistan on building a pure perfect state you will destroy everything that's opinion been achieved so far. some people government plato's republic under their arms don't seem to understand that this washington official decided
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country never deal with anyone in afghanistan who put his hand in the till we can all come home right now. this is not the first high profile case of the afghans playing u.s. officials for assistance. his owner brother is reported to be a cia asset as well even though he is also largely believed to be involved in the drug trade. the jury is still out as to whether cawrs' aide will in fact be prosecuted in the end but u.s. officials say they never asked for him to be released. back to you, jon. >> jon: jennifer griffin live from kabul. thank you, jennifer. supreme court justice sonia sotomayor predicts the highest court in the land eventually have l. have to make a decision on wiki leaks. take a listen to what she said when a student in n. denver asked her about the web site that's posted thousands of military documents. >> what role, if any, do you think the federal government should have in regulating web content when it's related to national security? thank you. >> i wish i could answer that but i can't.
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[ laughter ] only because that question is very likely to come before me. >> jon: justice sotomayor also refused to take a position on arizona's controversial immigration law. she said immigration questions would be decided by lawmakers and not the courts. those miners trapped underground in chile reportedly now taking steps to cope with their ordeal. rescuers say the miners will likely be stuck there up to four months while crews drill a rescue hole. rescuers found the group more than two weeks after underground collapse. 33 men stuck some 2300 feet below the ground. a chilean nope three groups. some are helping out with communications. others making sure the tunnels remain safe and that nobody wanders off too far. they do, after all have more than a mile of tunnels and mile of spaces in which to roam. the rest are helping with medical issues. hygiene crews have sent decks of
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cards and dominoes to pass the time. rescuers are asking them to get enough exercise to fit through the rescue hole once they have completed it chilean officials have been getting advice from people who know about living in close quarters including a team of submarine commanders and experts from nasa. turning to the economy, a new report shows fewer americans are falling behind on their mortgage payments but, still, about one out of every ten households is in danger of foreclosure foreclosure. 9.9% of all homeowners missed at least one mortgage payment as of the end of june, that's according to the mortgage banker's association. that's down from a record high above 10% in april. the report also shows for the first time in four years there were fewer homes going through foreclosure rich edison of the fox business not work is live for us in washington. rich, despite these small signs of improvement, things are looking pretty bleak. >> that's right. analysts call this a mixed report at best. this week also features a report
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of sales of previously owned homes dropped to lowest level in 15 years. new home sales fell to a record low. looking forward, some analysts say they expect a slow climb out of this housing hole, jon. >> all of this is good news for those in the market to buy because property damage rates hit mother report low. >> mortgage rates continue to break record lows. average interest rate for 30 year fixed loan fell to 4.36%. the lowest since mortgage giant freddie mac started tracking these numbers about 30 years ago. that and lower housing prices mean good news for home buyers if they can get a loan. that's been a problem for some americans. >> jon: fed chairman been bernanke is expected to give us his outlook. >> earlier this month. the fed downgraded outlook forecasting a more moderate economic recovery. since then more reports and signals the recovery is slowing. tomorrow, we'll listen closely to the chairman to see if he
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downgrades his opinion of the economy again. if he does, the fed is more likely to intervene even more in the economy. jon? >> jon: former president jimmy carter on a rare trip to north korea to rescue an american prisoner there the allusive kim jong il didn't even show up for photo op. up next, the possible reason why and it what it may mean for carter's mission. plus, more than a dozen people injured after a jetblue plane makes a hard fiery landing. we have the details coming up.
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switch to regions. >> jon: there is word today that those two farms at the center of a massive egg recall were giving hens contaminated feed. officials from the food and drug administration say samples of the feed tested positive for salmonella. the iowa farms have recalled more than half a billion eggs linked to the bacteria. and today u.s. health officials report the outbreak has sickened more than 1400 people.
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steve brown with the news live in chicago for us. steve, what do know we know about this contaminated feed. >> they found the very same strain of sal mop nell la both in the feed and in sole of the eggs from the hill len dale farms and write county eggs. reporters on a conference call were questioning folks from the cdc, usda and f.d.a. about the feed they went to great strains to say the feed may not be the source. here is why, the feed when processside heated in the way same they pasture rise the eggs they pasture rise the feed. they don't think the feed is the source but they are seeing salmonella show up there. they have more investigating to do. it was definitely in the feed. >> jon: now i guess congress wants to talk to the people in charge of those farms, find out what they knew about the tainted eggs and when? >> jack decoster and/or written have both been asked to, invited to testify before a house subcommittee which specifically overseas the f.d.a. and wants to
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know what it is that went wrong at those farms and when they knew that it happened. now, officially, they have been invited to testify. not necessarily subpoenaed to testify. but the congress seems to be very interested in finding out more about this and more about food safety overall. jon? >> jon: all right. steve brown in chicago. thanks. another recall to tell you about. a unit of johnson & johnson recalling two hip replacement implants because they are failing in a number of patients. the company says it's recalling the asr-xl. a total hip replacement system. and the asr hip resurfacing system a partial replacement. the company reports about 12 to 13% of patients needed a second hip replacement after these ars-devices failed. and it says patients were the recalled product should visit their surges -- surgeons for evaluation. toyota recalling more than a million cars over engine stalling problems. recall effect corolla and matrix
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models sold in model years 2005 through 2008. the company says the engines can fail to start or stall with no warning. so far, we're told there have been three accidents and one minor injury linked to the detect which toyota says it will repair at no cost to owners. over the past year, toyota has recalled more than 10 million vehicles worldwide because of problems such as unintended acceleration and faulty brakes. we're learning new details tonight about an american held captive in north korea whom former president jimmy carter is working to bring home. gomes is a former english teach from her boston. weighs teaching in south korea when he apparently crossed into the north in january and officials there sentenced him to eight years hard labor for trespassing. one friend described gomes as a really sweet and positive guy. another remembers him as a good natured member of college's theater group.
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tonight, friends and family are still waiting for word on whether president carter will be allowed to bring gomes back to the united states. carter was slated to leave north korea yesterday with gomes but still no sign of either man. of course, it's possible the hold up has something to do with kim jong il's absence because it seems the dear leader had something else to take care of. this, the scene outside a hotel in northern china where the north korean leader is reportedly staying with his son. no immediate confirmation of the trip. kim jong cill notoriously secretive and pyongyang usually only announces trips after is he safely back home. south korean media he reports the reclusive leader may be looking for aid after severe floods devastated sections of his country earlier this month. and analysts speculate he could be laying the groundwork for his youngest son to eventually take power after kim jong il suffered a reported stroke in 2008 we
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last saw video of kim jong neil china in may when he met with the country's president. since then few images have emerged. earlier today the north korean news agency released photos of him visiting a corn starch factory in pyongyang. however, it's impossible to tell when those photos were taken. new video into fox news of the scene at an airport in california where passengers had to evacuate a jet after its tires caught fire. the jetblue air bus was landing in sacramento when the airline reports the plane had brake problems. the pilot managed to get the thing stopped but one woman says she could see the tires burning as passengers escaped down the emergency slides. we're told 15 people were hurt with you not too badly. no word yet on what caused the brake problem. the suspected serial stabber who cops say attacked 18 people in a multi-state rampage where the alleged crime spree began.
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investigators say elise abuelazam murdered at least five people and injured 13 others. in a rampage that began in michigan. earlier this month, agents arrested him at the atlanta airport just as he was about to catch a flight home to his native israel. today he was felony from atlanta to flint under tight security. a judge has ordered him to be held without bail. a street sweeper finding a century's old coin. our top story on a fox trip across america. a french silver coin with the year 1736 on it. the worker at a local museum now researching it to try to find out if it's authentic and how much it can be worth. california. a summer storm knocking down power lines right on to a bus just southeast of los angeles. authorities say about a dozen people were trapped inside. firefighters came to the rescue.
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everybody got out safely. florida. a 4-year-old child wandering nearly a mile from home and into this convenience store in orange city. security cameras at the store recorded her visit. she bought some gum and a drink and that's when the owner says he got concerned. fortunately going anywhere very dark outside. turns out the girl's father had fallen asleep while he was supposed to be watching her. police charged him with child neglect. wisconsin. a roller coaster said to be elvis presley's favorite ride set to travel. a group breaking ground in green bay. they say they hope to bring parts of the zipping pippin from memphis. recreate other parts of the coaster and reopen the ride in may. that's a fox watch across america. >> jon: hurricane katrina caused so much devastation in some places. one of the hardest hit areas the lower ninth ward in new orleans.
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>> landed right here. it tore down every house that was behind us. >> jon: well, tonight a look at how that neighborhood is doing five years later. plus, crocodile dundee in the cube. and in trouble with the law. even a giant australian knife might not save him this time. that's coming up on "the fox report." [ male announcer ] millions of men 45 and older just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies? [ glass shatters ] more passion for the one you love? more fun with your family and friends? it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone, or low t.
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c'mon, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more.
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>> shepard: a fox news weather alert now and triple hurricane threat in the atlantic. hurricane danielle packing winds of 110 miles per hour as it moves east of bermuda. forecasters say it could become the first major hurricane of the season causing dangerous surf this weekend along the eastern seaboard. farther out in the atlantic
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we're also keeping an eye on tropical storm earle expected to strength into a hurricane late tomorrow or saturday. another system rolling offer the african-american coast and heading toward the u.s. we're told it could become thee own that. more now from the gulf coast and a look at new orleans five years after hurricane katrina. as the rain and the wind died down, the worst was just beginning for much of the city. most of the homes from flooded and in the city's lower ninth ward people were trapped and dying in their houses. many of those who left that neighborhood still have not returned but the ones who are there, they are trying to bring it back to life. trace gallagher is live in the lower ninth ward for us tonight. trace? >> i will tell you, jon, you look at some of the homes around here it looks like the floodwaters just receded yesterday. for those who came back the memories are just as visited. there is an air conditioner up there that is brand new. the reason it's new is because during katrina five years ago the floodwaters in that house got so high they had to push out
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the old air conditioner, crawl out the hole to a rescue boat. we're also met a high school principal named walter good win. he, by the way, when the levies broke, had a barge in his front yard. we have aerials of that barge. but now i want to tell you his story from then and from now. watch. in 1947 built this house with his own hand. in 2005, hurricane katrina came through. a barge burst through that wall coming down there the break in the levy started from that wall right there where that post is up to about mule street four or five blocks. when that barge landed right here it, tore down every house that was behind us. this house took on 22 feet of water. the water got up to about the
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window, half way up to that window is where it settled at this. house on this side, this whole side wall on this side was basically out. you could see from the street. you could actually see into the house all the way to the other side. it really was like a nightmare. when i told my mom, i said mom, when we get back, one of the things that we are going to do is that we're going to paint this house green. the reason we painted it green is because green was a symbol of hope. and if we can come back from where the barge was to where we were, maybe that would encourage everybody else to come back. >> jon: and the problem now in the ninth ward is infrastructure. there are no hospitals. there is no fire department. and there are no grocery stores. and take a look at the school. it is wrecked. some of the schools who live just across the street from this
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school now have to be bused miles away. a long road to recovery for the ninth ward, jon. >> jon: trace gallagher live and in new orleans. thank you. ed the media played a crucial role in letting the world know what was happening when the hurricane came ashore. now the newseum play our own shepard smith is part of it. he got a chance to see the exhibit when he hosted "studio b" from the museum this afternoon. >> welcome to the newseum in d.c. we are here as part of the events marking five years since hurricane katrina hit the gulf south. the new exhibit is called covering katrina. it explores and explains how journalists reported on the disaster and its aftermath. that's what we're doing here today. over the next several days we will get live reports from our crews all along the gulf south seeing what has become of the area and its people after five very difficult years. >> jon: the exhibit reminds us how some local reporters kept working to cover the disaster
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even as their own families and homes were in jeopardy. fans at a soccer match turned violent and attacked police. it's our top story as we go around the world in 80 seconds. poland that's a portable toilet sailing off a roof. soccer fans police after games throwing rocks, sections of movable fence. cops fighting back with tear gas and water canons. four officers reported hurt. south africa. ♪ >> jon: civil servants holding protests demanding higher pay. government officials have made an offer but say they can't afford the workers' salary demands. china. a businessman in a northern province buying a new car with a big pile of small change according to state run television there. many of these paper notes worth just 15 cents. the car cost nearly $15,000.
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australia. authorities barring paul hogan from leaving the country. >> he has got a knife. >> ha ha ha, a knife? that's a knife. >> officials say the crocodile dundee actor owes more than $130 million. it's part of a long running legal battle in australian and u.s. courts over possible hidden income. hogan denies any wrongdoing. the 70-year-old currently lives in los angeles. and that's a wrap on this fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. golfer tiger woods hasn't been playing very well lately. maybe he just needed to get that messy divorce out of the way. next, tiger finds himself back in a place we haven't seen him since last year.
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presenting the cadillac "summer's best" sales event. a fantastic opportunity to get a great offer on a new cadillac cts sport sedan... ..theost acclaimed vehicle in its class and a car and driver 10 st third year in a row. summer brings out the best in all of us, so now's the perfect time to get behind the wheel of a brand new cadillac. now during cdillac's summer's best sales event... get zero percent apr financing for 72 months or this attractive lease offer on a cts sport sedan. [ female announcer ] the newly designed glade scented oil candle. light it and watch the mood of the room change in seconds. ♪ [ laughs ] hey.
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♪ [ gasps ] [ dog barks ] [ laughing ] ♪ [ female announcer ] release the magic of clean linen with glade. s.c. johnson. a family company. ♪ ♪ hey, now, now, we're going down, down ♪ ♪ and we'll ride the bus there ♪ pay the bus fare ♪ or we find a new reason
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[ female announcer ] something unexpected to the world of multigrain... taste. ♪ hey, now, now ♪ we're going down, down, and we ride the bus there ♪ [ female announcer ] delicious pringles multigrain. ♪ a new way of living [ female announcer ] multigrain pops with pringles. desperate for nighttime heartburn relief? for many, nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms caused by acid reflux disease. and for the majority of patients with prescription coverage for nexium, it can cost $30 or less per month. headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are possible side effects of nexium. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. ask your doctor if nexium can help relieve your heartburn symptoms. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> jon: tiger woods in top form this morning and playing his best round of golf so far this year. woods shooting a 6 under par 65
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in his first tournament since going public with his divorce. reporters asked him afterwards in his disappointing play leading into today was because of his swing or because of what was going on in his personal life? woods responded all of the above. and on this day in the year 1346, the english army first unleashed a menacing new weapon in what is widely considered the first appearance of the cannon. at the time the english were battling french forces in the 100 years war. the squirmish started in the usual fashion, knights facing knights on the battlefield but then king edwards' men rolled out the heavy artillery. the cannon balls didn't do much damage. the smoke scared and sound scared the pants on the receiving end. they went on to win the battle and ultimately decided it with arrows and swords. cannons were here to stay. they are still here in use and english stuck to their


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